Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ultimate Food Fight

Ok. I'm going to try and explain this. Word cannot do it justice. The kids club at Ocean Reef had an ultimate food fight. They put 10 kids in a make shift boxing ring. There were eight rounds. Round one with ketchup/two pizza sauce/three mandarin oranges/four confectioners sugar/five chocolate syrup/six mustard/seven flour/eight whip cream. Who ever is the CLEANEST wins. Believe it or not Le won. What they didn't tell the kids was that the winner got a BUCKET of ALL of the stuff from each round dumped on them. We were laughing so hard. The kids are getting the rules of the game.


Fighting a good fight.

Hhmmmm...taste good.

I can't see anything!

Bucket dumped!

Cleaning up in the lagoon.

A Night in Sunset Key

We took a rare road trip away from Ocean Reef. We rode down to Key West to spend the night at Sunset Key. What a TREAT! It's a small island off the coast of Key West. We had so much fun. The service there was incredible. We reserved a one bedroom cottage but once we got on the island they decided we would be more comfortable in a two bedroom cottage. (Sweet!) So we ended up with two bedrooms, three bathrooms, with kitchen, living room, dining room. We had an great porch with rockers over looking the ocean. We spent 24 hrs relaxing, swimming, and fishing. The water was beautiful. Taking the ferry over to the island.
Our view from our porch.

Fishing off the dock. They provided the poles and bait. They will cook whatever you catch but we didn't have much luck.

Not enough to feed a family of four.

Sunset on Sunset Key.

Le in his hotel robe.

Dan in his robe.

There was a library of DVD's, books, and games at the hotel. Le and Dan picked a movie for after dinner. Dan didn't make it until the end.

Le ALMOST didn't make it to the end.

Fishing on the Reef

Le's catch of the day.

Grammy supervising.

Thursday Night Street Fair

We have moved into a different stage of being a family. The boys, having been to several OR Street Fairs in their short lives, took off on their own. We were able to sit down and eat our supper without having to worry about where they were and if they were safe. Of course they had a blast. We couldn't seem to get away from the Easter Bunny this week.
Dan chatting up a stranger.

Le rock climbing.

Saturday Golf Cart Parade

Saturday was the Easter Golf Cart Parade. Next year we are going to plan and have an entry. There were over 50 carts. These are just the highlights. Only in Ocean Reef does the Easter Bunny show up in a Rolls Royce.

Evan, Le, and Daniel with their bounty from the parade.

Easter Egg Hunt at the Lagoon

This was so much fun for the kids. Sandy was talking to one of the employees and learned they stuff 18,000 eggs for this Easter Egg hunt. I wonder how long that takes??? Time: 10:29am
Time: 10:30am

Time: 10:31am

Time: 10:32am

Easter Breakfast

Last year we had brunch with the Easter Bunny. Daniel was very disappointed when he saw the bunny. He informed us all, "It's just the cook in a bunny costume". This year we decided we to try it again. The only time available was 8am. We had to wake the boys up......Daniel's face says it all.

Easter Day Fishing

The biggest catch of the day. Evan and Le admiring Dan's catch.
Grandpa setting the chum.