Friday, February 20, 2009

Quick trip to Ocean Reef

At the last minute, I decided to fly down to OR to spend a long weekend with Len and Jaye and visit with Paula and Nancy who were visiting for the weekend with their parents. It got off to a REALLY rocky start. I got to the house around 10:30pm. At around 1am I started puking my guts out. This lasted all night long and through out most of the next day.....Note to self: When flying on a $29.00 discount airline DON'T buy one of those cute 5.00 meals. Odds are the pepperoni are bad.........I TRIED to rally at supper when Jaye lovingly fixed me chicken noodle soup. I did sit up about 15 minutes and consumed a 1/2 cup of soup before I went back to bed. Lucky for me, the next morning I was back in the land of the living and was able to enjoy the remainder of my stay. Thank you Len and Jaye for letting me come and stay with you! Len and Jaye make a handsome couple on the way to church.
Paula and Nancy relaxing by the lagoon.

Celebrating Paula's birthday!

Dr. and Mrs. Marks

Chris and Phil cooked every night! I felt so spoiled! Dinner time was too much fun. I have this picture of Chris and the one of Phil below. I neglected to get a picture of Chris' sister, Susan and her boyfriend Joe who were also visiting. I enjoyed getting to know them.

When I was getting ready to fly home on Monday Len gave me these two lemons he picked off the lemon tree in the back yard to give to the boys. I had NO IDEA if I could get on the plane with them???? I guess knobby lemons are not on the terrorist watch list because I had no problems. Len accused me of ditching the lemons as soon as I left the house. Here is the PROOF that they made it to SC!

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