Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another Great Christmas!

Christmas started at our house about 3:15am with Le wanting to get up. I was able to hold him off until 5:45am when Daniel got up. It looked like Santa hemorrhaged in our house.

6am snuggles!

What's Christmas Day without the Hirschbergers? This is Nick, Alex, and Dan getting some grub.

Here's Hans, Gabby, and Sandy getting some grub.

The weather was SO warm. We were able to sit outside while the kids played.

Le watched an entire move like this! I don't know how that was comfortable.

Dan's big gift from Grandma and Grandpa.

Le's big gift from Grandma and Grandpa. (Now he doesn't have to borrow Sandy's.)

Dan gets more snuggles.

Tinkerbell and Grandma.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

why, Why, WHY?

Here's a simple question........Every school morning I have to poke and coax my children out of bed. They act as if it's impossible to wake up. Why is it that once they are out of school on a break they wake up as early as 5:30am?????

Friday, December 19, 2008

Daddy the gingerbread man

Today was the last day of school before Xmas break. One of the planned activities for the second grade was to make gingerbread houses. Daniel wanted Sandy to be one of the parent volunteers. I don't think Sandy knew all he was in for but he was a willing participant. Since Sandy arrived earlier than the other moms he was recruited to be a "sub" teacher in Mrs. Lewis' class for thirty minutes. Afterwards, he helped all the other moms set up then built a gingerbread house with Dan. I think they both had a blast. He's a good daddy. Sandy and the moms setting up.
Sandy in a sea of children.

Team work!

This is serious business.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Recital

Tonight was Le and Daniel's recital. I've uploaded it on to
search "Le's Christmas Recital" and "Dan's First Recital" Sandy and I were worried about Daniel freaking out but he did great. We are a year and a half into guitar lessons with Daniel..........The jury is still out on regarding this choice of instrument. We'll let him keep plugging away as long as he enjoys it.

Thanksgiving in Rhode Island

Our first night in Tiverton Anne and Stephen had a great party with cousins. You would think I would have snapped pictures all night but I only took a couple! Here's one of Dr. Marks and Mrs. Carlson.
Le had a BLAST working with Howard and Grandpa Chace trimming the trees along the driveway. Howard allowed Le to drive the lawnmower to mulch leaves and use the wood chipper. (While this was going on you could find me a corner of the house chewing my nails while rocking back and forth. I had to just let it go and put my faith in Howard and Grandpa. They didn't let me down. My baby still has all of his fingers and toes.)

Thanksgiving day we took a hike with the Stephen Chaces. You can tell from the pictures WHO is from the south. Lori is sockless with short pants while Le and Dan are completely zipped up. We were cold!

Three Chace men. Do they look related??

The two in laws.

Four Chace birds in a nest.

Daniel Boone Chace surveying the horizon.

The kids table on Thanksgiving. Aren't they a handsome crew? Look at Grammy Jaye's pumpkin center piece. I wish I had taken a closer picture. She painted it herself.

On black Friday Grammy and Grandpa took us all out to eat. We were the ONLY people at the club. It was really nice. The boys were able to sit nearby and play chess while the adults were able to visit.