Tuesday, August 12, 2008

By the skin of our teeth!

I took my Great Aunt Sue Joyce out on the farm four wheeling. More than once she said "Faster!"
Check out Daniel dancing with Shadow. (Poor Shadow! She's a good sport.)
Isn't this cool? Check out the different plants growing out of the tree.

Here's Aunt Vivi modeling her "Maiden of the Mist" Niagara Falls outfit.

Check out everyone dancing to the B-52's "Lobster Rock"

Believe it or not we were able to make a second trip to the farm. We decided on Tuesday we could do it and hopped in the car Wednesday morning. It was a quick trip but a lot of fun. We didn't tell Vivi we were coming and were able to go up to her school and surprise her. We labeled our days FFAV days. Our days were filled with Fishing, Four Wheeling, Alex, and Vivi. The weather was GLORIOUS! Hi's in the mid 80's with NO humidity.

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