Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dan's Poses for Animal Crackers

Daniel wasn't in the mood to play Lacrosse tonight but he wanted me to take some pictures of him in his favorite shirt.

The New Fad at the Chace House

Memorial weekend Sandy was in Boston at the Lacrosse Nationals with all of the Chace men folk. Sandy's best friend Scott was there also. "Uncle" Scott sent home two lacrosse sticks and balls for the boys. Tonight we went to Dick's Sports and got Sandy an early Father's Day gift of a Lacrosse stick and goal. Enjoy the few action shots. Check out Le's muscles and Sandy's game face.

Le's school awards

Le got an A honor roll award and a reading counts award (86 pts.)

Daniel's school awards

The boys had their awards last week. Daniel got a participation award in Reading Counts. And he got an award from the Governers School for reading. (Everybody gets one of those). Of course he was all smiles.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Look who's almost grown

I can't get over it. It seems just yesterday I was boiling water to heat his bottles. Now he's a week away from getting his learners permit.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Le's recital

You can now go on and search Le's recital. He was the first to play and was really nervous but I think he did pretty good. Check it out. I think we all cleaned up pretty good. Le was especially handsome in his tie. Sandy wasn't able to attend. He was in RI for the Lacrosse Nationals. (But don't worry. He heard it played 5,000 times at home.)

The boys "help" Mrs. Patton

My buddy Patton come over Friday to plant some flowers around the mailbox for me. (She's since called me daily to ask me if I've killed them yet.....) I don't think she knew what she was in for with Le and Daniel's help. In the end I think they all had a great time.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cub Scout Camp Out

What a night! We had our Cub Scout Camp Out this weekend. The boys couldn't wait. We arrived at 6pm. Got settled and let the fun begin. Le swam with the other boys. Dan being Dan said it was too cold. He played on the monkey bars and climbed trees. After dinner there were games of kick ball and spud. After dark there were smores and games of flash light tag. Sandy stayed until around 10:30pm. (We struck a deal. I would sleepover in a tent if I didn't have to throw mulch all day on Saturday. Up until about 3am I thought I had the better end of the deal....) Camp FINALLY settled down around 11:30pm. It was a LONG night! Nothing like sleeping on the hard ground. Let me rephrase that. Nothing like laying on the ground all night long. All the boys were up by 6am. It was very chilly. The first words out of Daniel's mouth were, "Mom, I don't think we would make it on Survivor." (Duh!) After a hardy breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and coffee (Proof of God's Grace!) and rousing breakfast conversation amongst the parents , "I didn't sleep a wink.", "Did you get any sleep?", "Did you hear that damn bird?" etc. etc. it was home for a NAP! (While Sandy threw mulch.)

Le's piano debut

As several of you know, I have been trying to upload Le's piano performance at his school play. I can't do it on the blog because it takes up too much kb's. SOOOOOO, I've uploaded it onto . If you go to that website and search "Le's debut" you should be able to pull it up. When there is dead air on the video is when action is happening off camera. Sorry about that. For some reason I had eyes only for the piano player. Go figure. Sandy and I were very proud of him. He worked really hard and I think he did a good job keeping up with the chorus.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Easter in Ocean Reef

We had a great week in OR! Here are a couple of pictures of the good time.

Dan picking strawberries

We took the boys to the strawberry patch a couple of weekends ago. We had so much fun. I'm sorry to say my camera didn't have much battery left so this is the only picture we have. Cute none the less!