Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day Trip To Columbia

The boys are out of school Friday and Monday of this weekend.  Since we have had such a mild winter we haven't used any of our snow days so we were treated to an extra long weekend.  My friend Angelia and I decided to take the boys to Columbia to the State Museum to see the Body Vital exhibit.  The boys could have cared less.  They were through the exhibit and done in 15 minutes.  Angelia and I, on the other hand, were enthralled.  Lucky for us the boys went through other parts of the museum and allowed us to enjoy the exhibit.  I can't express how fascinating the exhibit was.  Once you move past the morbidity of looking at actual dead bodies that is.  I've never doubted the existence of God but this exhibit truly proves we are NO accident. 

 Ben and Le looking like High Schoolers.
 Angelia and Ben
 Turtle Kitty and PomPom
Group shot

I'm really glad Angelia suggested we eat BEFORE we go.  After seeing, muscles, organs, tendons, etc. I don't think I could have stomached lunch.  If you have the opportunity to see one of these exhibits DO!

While we were in Columbia we had another purpose but I will have to post about it later.  It is a surprise for my "Reef Cup Girls Club" which meets next week.  I have to say, it was an experience riding in the car listening to three boys for three hours.  Angelia and I were aching for silence by the time we hit Greenville city limits.  And I have to admit I had a stiff gin and tonic when I got home.

Like Sands Through The Hour Glass..... are the days of our lives.    With that being said Sandy celebrated his birthday Feb. 20th.  I'm afraid to say it wasn't very exciting.  We are in the middle of Boy Scouts, Lacross, and school so the celebration was short but sweet after lacross practice.