Monday, April 11, 2011


It was 87 degrees yesterday!  Sandy and Le uncovered the pool.  It was green, murky, cold and nasty looking but that didn't stop Le and the neighborhood from swimming all afternoon long!

 They didn't even act like it was cold!
 Dan, who is SO my child.  "I'm not gettin' in that..."
Carol taking a leap of faith.

A Special Day At The Chace House

We are happy to announce that Le dedicated his heart to the Lord yesterday!  Le completed a ten week confirmation class then joined the church.  We are very proud of him.

 Le with the associate pastor.
 The kids had to make a banner. Each fish had a childs name on it and were following Jesus.
Group photo.

Dan's First Lacrosse Game

Dan had his first lacrosse game a couple of weeks ago.  I took a few pictures but they didn't turn out great.  He had a blast.  It's nice to see him involved in a team sport.  By the way, they won.  Le had to miss his first game because he was at a mandatory confirmation retreat but I will post pictures of him playing lacrosse soon.