Sunday, December 26, 2010

All Bets Are OFF!!!

The week after we got home from RI at dinner one night Daniel was tell us he was looking on and that he learned we were going to have a white Christmas.  We all laughed and joked.  Since it was a month away Le said, "If we have a white Christmas I'll run two laps around the house in my underwear, barefoot."  SURE NUF, it started snowing Xmas day and we got four inches.  The last white Christmas was 1963.  At 8pm Dec. 25th Le ran two laps around the house.  We DID allow him to wear his swimsuit.


Christmas Morning 2010

I don't know why but I didn't take many pictures.  I guess we were having too good of time just "doing" Christmas.

Thanksgiving in Rhode Island 2010

 It was a long hard drive but worth it.  I'm sorry but some of these pictures got out of order.  It was great being able to visit with everyone.  John and Kelly invited us all over for meat pies Wednesday night.  I loved seeing the renovations being made to their home. It's looking great.  I SO enjoyed seeing the Marks' girls.  The boys enjoyed visiting with the Marks grand kids as well.

Uncle Stephen and Aunt Anne

Daniel, Jamie and Le

Grammie's beautiful table

 Ok, so.  Stephen and Anne's neighbors had this wicked catapult.  This is some serious stuff!  It has a 450lb weight on it and they spend HOURS perfecting the arc, projection, etc.  These are the day time shots.
It was freezing but Jeff had on shorts!

It took minimum five people to pull the weight down

Stephen giving me a snarl

Dan and Jamie

Stephen and Chris

Daniel and Tommy

Ok.  I'm noticing I have all these pictures of Dan but none of Le.  I promise he was with us.
Jaye and Mrs. Marks This picture should have been up at the top.  Sorry.

Back to Thanksgiving....Jenny and Jaye

 Back to the catapult. (I warned you the pictures were out of order.)At night it's a whole new game.  They drill holes into the pumpkins and pour gasoline in it.  Stuff a rag into one of the holes.  Light it on fire.  And let it fly.
Kids, don't try this at home!


It was as much fun watching the kids take off running with a wheelbarrow and dirt to put the fires out.  
Len taking it all in.

Wonderful Stop Over in NYC!

We were able to stop in and spend the night with Scott and the girls in NYC.  TOO much fun!  Scott, as always, was a wonderful host. (Even giving up his bedroom to me and Sandy!) He took us to see Blue Man Group.  The show exceeded my expectations.  Daniel was belly laughing.  After a nice relaxing morning and lunch we grudgingly departed NYC and made our way to Tiverton.

 Dinner at Cellar 85
 I know I've said it before but as Forrest Gump would say, "They go together like peas and carrots".
 The kids skipping (Literally) down the street.
Scott with his two princesses.

Halloween 2010

 Alex and Nick a.k.a. Dracula and the Pirate.
 As usual. The moms end up lugging all the props. 
 Dan and neighbor Ben.
 The whole gang.  Alex, Nick, Daniel, Ben, Katlin, Erin, Carol, and Lilly.
 Dividing up the loot.
This was probably Le's last year to Trick or Treat :(
Weather was much better last year than this year!  We were lucky to have our friends over for dinner and their kids trick or treated with us.  As an extra bonus we had Le's good friend Ben also.