Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Years Eve

What a night! We had so much fun. We danced the night away. The band was awesome. The weather was awesome. This was the first year the boys stayed up to bring in the new year.

Blair and I decided Sandy looked just like Herbie the Dentist in "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" in that hat.

"I want to be a dentist!"

More random Xmas photos

Sandy couldn't say anything right so he taped his mouth shut.

Daniel would lay down and put french fries on the towel and the sea gulls would come eat them.

funny hats

Best Friends.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Trip to the Nature Center

The day before we headed home was overcast and cold. Blair and I took the opportunity to take the boys to the Nature Center.

Two words: Shoe Shopping

Game Night Take 2

Sandy had to make an unexpected trip out of town on Jan 1 so we had another family game night. We finished the 1000 piece puzzle (Thanks to Blair's then ordered room service (house service) and played cards.
Blair and Le were very competitive. It was scary. Blair is teaching Daniel a card trick.

Dan's trying the trick on Blair.

He did it!!

Vicious, vicious card playing.

Ok, don't know what started this. But, we decided to see who could touch their knee to their nose. You will notice I'm not in ANY of these pictures.

It looks like Le is drinking wine but I promise he's not!

See our pretty and finished puzzle?

Random Beach pictures

Le shark fishing One tired boy

King of Ocean Reef

Another lazy afternoon with Ann and Dan


Blair drinking her first Reef Cup

Blair and Dan

Dan GQ

Do I have BBQ sauce on my cheek?

Posing for Animal Crackers.

Stephan looks like the Joker!

Ann, Julie and Blair.

New Years Eve fishing

I think this was Blair's second time fishing EVER. Let's just say, "She screams like a girl."

Sunset at the Lagoon

No other description needed....

Starlight Mexican Night

We met the Merinic's for Mexican Night at the Palm Court. GREAT food! Great Margaritas! Me and Blair
Blair and her pets.

Ann and Dan

Stephan and Daniel

Blair and Sandy