Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wilderness In The Smokies

We met the Zuckerman's in Pigeon Forge at the Wilderness Waterpark Hotel. TOO much fun. Erica's friend, Becky, came with her two kids also. All the kids got along great. This is a neat concept. A hotel with an indoor and outdoor water park. I think the adults had as much fun as the kids. e.......What's next I ask you?

As you can see from this picture the kids had a miserable time.

Poker night.

Fueling up for another big day on the water.

Two hot men in a hot tub.

Two of Erica's hot men getting ready to surf.

Marc surfin'

Does this picture need any words?

Me, Erica, and Becky

Lazy boys in a lazy river.

The drive home: Take One

The Drive Home: Take Two

Sunday, August 23, 2009

First Day of School

I can't believe it's that time of year again. Le started MIDDLE SCHOOL. Everything went fine but I was a wreck all day. Daniel started 3rd grade. As usual he came home hating school, hating his class, hating his teacher and asking to be home schooled. Yet when asked if he had a good day his reply was "very good"...............

Another Trip To The Farm

Here are highlights of last trip of the summer to the farm. Dan shooting bb gun. This kid is an incredible shot.
Le shooting the .22

Dan and Grandma solving all the worlds problems over coffee.

Le and Daniel at lunch with their Great Grand Pa Johnny.

Boys with Aunt Vivi.

Quick trip to the beach

While these pictures didn't turn out very well I wanted to include them. Sandy had a business trip that took him out of town for the week. With Sandy's encouragement we decided to go to the beach for a couple of days while he was gone. My "Dead Body Friend", Barbara, and her family rent the same house every year on Sullivan's Island. Blair, Dan, Le and I met up with them while we were there. It was SO HOT. I can't believe we didn't get ANY pictures on the beach.

Ok. These pictures are going to need a little explanation. Every year Barbara has a theme for the week. She's done the Olympics, Amazing Race, Medieval Time, etc. This year it was decades. Every night there were contest and games geared toward the 60's (cross-word/word search race and tie dyed shirts), 70's (cross-word/word search and Twister), 80's (making Michael Jackson gloves). We were there on 50's night. What a HOOT! Barbara pinned names of 50's musicians to our backs and we had to ask questions to get clues to guess who we were. Of course there was a word search. Last but not least there was a hula hoop contest. Granny in the hula hoop contest.
Dan taking a turn. (We ALL sucked at it.)

Serious word search competition: 1st place Susan, 2nd Francis, 3rd me, 4th Blair.

The pressure gets to be too much for Mary.

Blair basking in the glow of 4th place.

Dan And I Go To The Farm

While Le was at Boy Scout Camp, Dan and I took the opportunity to go to the farm. The weather was great. We spent the week doing the "usual" farm things:fishing, four wheeling, dinner with Johnny and the gang. Daniel catching baby frogs.
Grandpa tending to his bees.

Uncle Michael's BIG catch.

Daniel's BIG catch.

Pretty view of the dock.

Dan chatting up his Great great Uncle Joe.

Erica and Ben Come For The Weekend

We were hoping to get all the Zuckerman's for the weekend but Marc and Matthew couldn't make it. So we took who we could get, Erica and Ben. We spent the weekend at the lake and had a blast. Two peas in a pod.
Ben and Erica

Ben makes the leap.

Erica takes the plunge into the lake.

Le and Daniel surfing.

Lunch on the jet ski

Happy camper