Thursday, July 16, 2009

Niagara Falls Here We Are

Our second full day in Niagara was as fun as the first. We drove to Niagara on the Lake and biked along the Niagara Lake and toured a winery. We biked a little over 10 miles and had a relaxing time. We then went to the Butterfly Conservatory. Last but not least we went to Cliffton Hill for the Farris wheel ride and fireworks.

Entrance to butterfly conservatory.

Sandy trying on Blair's "bling". "I pity the fool!"

Le and Dan both being "kitty turtles".........Again, long story.

Huge Farris wheel.

Daniel hit the jackpot at the arcade!

Blair is becoming a Rock Hero god.

Le and Sandy shot pool.

Before fireworks.

Blair and her "pets".

Monday, July 13, 2009

Niagara Falls Here We Come

Wednesday we drove to Niagara. Daniel was exhausted. He slept a good two hours in route. Thursday we hit all of the high points. Maid of the Mist, Journey behind the falls, the river walk.
Blair holding "kitty turtle" (Long story....)

Maid of the Mist!

I wish the pictures did it justice.

River walk

Daniel using his mystic powers to call the cab to pick us up.

View from our suite.

We all spent a lot of time just staring out the window.

Blair Arrives!

Blair arrived in Providence at 11am. We picked her up and we were off and running. We had lunch in Newport on the water. We took a tour of The Breakers. Le's response. If you've seen one mansion you've seen them all. (We toured The Biltmore last year.....) We finally got a taste of the weather everyone has been talking about. It rained but it didn't stop our fun. Dinner was at the Boat House in Tiverton with Len and Jaye.

Monday of Vacation. A day of rest.

Monday was a day of rest. I don't know what everyone is talking about regarding the weather. We've had nothing but sunny skies and warm weather! We hung out at the shore all day. Lori
Le and Dandy.


Le, Anne, and I kayaked around the island. Very calm and relaxing water. Thanks Anne!

Le and Uncle Stephen sailing. This was a big thrill for Le.

Party, Party, Party

July 5th was Len's 80th birthday party. We, again, had great weather. The birthday boy and his girl.
Daniel parking cars.

Ira and Midge.

The "young" cousins. Le, Tommy, Ellie, Lori, and Daniel.

Mrs. Carlson "Gigi" and me! It was SO good to see her! After all these years we can still sit across from each other in a crowd of people and read each others wicked thoughts. What fun!

Two of the three men in my life.

Anne and Stephen.

BFF's for 40 plus years. Dr. Marks and Len

Len and Anne

Gigi is rubbing Buddah's belly.

Mrs. Marks and me.

4th Of July At John Stobart's

We had a great kick off to summer vacation. We departed Greenville Friday afternoon and arrived in Tiverton, RI at 2pm on Saturday afternoon. Since it was 4th of July there was no rest for the weary. We were invited to tag along with Len and Jaye to Mr. Stobart's house for a 4th party. I'm SO glad we went. We had SUCH a great time and met some wonderful new friends. The boys were very good. Since they were the only children I was worried but boy did they prove me wrong. John's daughter and husband brought a microphone and amp so they could sing a couple of songs. The boys decided it was open mike night. They BOTH got up in front a crowd of adult strangers and told jokes. It also helped there was a dock with fishing, dogs, and new born guinea pigs. Len and John
Len and Ann

Grammy and Dan

Le, Daniel, and John out on the dock.

Le with a four day old guinea pig.

The end of a great evening!